Here it is plain and simple: praise big, praise often.
We are beings of worship... in fact it is the very essence of our heart. We were made to worship. There are times when that worship is sad... sorrowful... that cry that rises from the depths of your heart when everything is going wrong and you have no where left to turn. This kind of worship is... intense and hard. But there is this other kind of worship, the kind of song that bubbles up from the depths of a joyful heart, filling the morning air with music, swelling around you. This worship is an infectious joy that often results in dancing and screaming! This worship is praise.
There are a million ways to worship, the best advice I have to give is do what you love. If you love to write, write. If you love to snowboard, snowboard. If you love to sing, sing. Don't live under the pretense that you have to be miserable to be responsible. Let your heart do what makes it happy, allow yourself to offer praise freely and often! Let's make an effort to live in a state of joy and in a place of praise!
Just my thought for tonight...
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